
Constantin Brancusi : a converted artist’s atelier

 Paris, France

The Parisian home of the sculptor Constantin Brancusi, a student of Rodin, 
a cult figure of European modernism, whose work has become an important element
 of the art of the 20th century. Ronsin Lane was a hotbed of creativity not only in
 the 1920s, but after the war such cult artists as Max Ernst, Jean Tinguely, 
Yves Klein and others came here. 

Swiss artist Daniel Spoerri :

“It was a living, unusual community, a secret, hidden from prying eyes,
 artistic world in the center of modern Paris, guarded like a real secret”

The house has three bedrooms with simple furnishings, wooden floors and white
 walls.  Here, two workshops have a separate entrance and overlook the courtyard.
 The kitchen-living room with ceilings up to four meters are under one roof and
 overlook a large yard planted with trees. 

Ателье-музей Бранкузи — находится рядом с Центром Помпиду и является его филиалом. 
Всё наследие скульптора (41 рисунок, 137 скульптур, 2 картины, 85 пьедесталов и
 более 1000 фотографий), переехало в этот музей, построенный
 по проекту Ренцо Пьяно.

Self-Portrait with Polaire by Constantin Brancusi, 1921

 La Muse Endormie. Constantin Brancusi

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